Holger M. Kienle
Cited by
Cited by
Engineering self-adaptive systems through feedback loops
Y Brun, G Di Marzo Serugendo, C Gacek, H Giese, H Kienle, M Litoiu, ...
Software engineering for self-adaptive systems, 48-70, 2009
Requirements of software visualization tools: A literature survey
HM Kienle, HA Muller
2007 4th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for …, 2007
Rigi—An environment for software reverse engineering, exploration, visualization, and redocumentation
HM Kienle, HA Müller
Science of Computer Programming 75 (4), 247-263, 2010
08031–software engineering for self-adaptive systems: A research road map
BHC Cheng, H Giese, P Inverardi, J Magee, R de Lemos, J Andersson, ...
Schloss-Dagstuhl-Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, 2008
Autonomic computing now you see it, now you don’t: Design and evolution of autonomic software systems
HA Müller, HM Kienle, U Stege
Software Engineering: International Summer Schools, ISSSE 2006-2008, Salerno …, 2009
Trace recording for embedded systems: Lessons learned from five industrial projects
J Kraft, A Wall, H Kienle
Runtime Verification: First International Conference, RV 2010, St. Julians …, 2010
It's about time to take JavaScript (more) seriously
HM Kienle
IEEE software 27 (3), 60-62, 2010
The tools perspective on software reverse engineering: requirements, construction, and evaluation
HM Kienle, HA Müller
Advances in Computers 79, 189-290, 2010
Monitoring in adaptive systems using reflection
D Dawson, R Desmarais, HM Kienle, HA Müller
Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Software engineering for …, 2008
Live documents with contextual, data-driven information components
A Weber, HM Kienle, HA Müller
Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference on Computer …, 2002
Customizing Lotus Notes to build software engineering tools
J Ma, HM Kienle, P Kaminski, A Weber, M Litoiu
Proceedings of the 2003 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 2003
Leveraging program analysis for web site reverse engineering
HM Kienle, HA Muller
Proceedings 3rd International Workshop on Web Site Evolution. WSE 2001, 117-125, 2001
Data exchange in Bauhaus
J Czeranski, T Eisenbarth, HM Kienle, R Koschke, E Plodereder, D Simon, ...
Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 293-295, 2000
Building reverse engineering tools with software components
HM Kienle
Exchange format bibliography
HM Kienle
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 26 (1), 56-60, 2001
Evolution of web systems
HM Kienle, D Distante
Evolving Software Systems, 201-228, 2013
Autonomic computing now you see it, now you don’t
H Muller, HM Kienle, U Stege
Software engineering 5413, 2009
Characterizing maintainability concerns in autonomic element design
Q Zhu, L Lin, HM Kienle, HA Muller
2008 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 197-206, 2008
The Rigi reverse engineering environment
HM Kienle, HA Müller
1nd International Workshop on Advanced Software Development Tools and …, 2008
Analyzing xfig using the Bauhaus tool
J Czeranski, T Eisenbarth, H Kienle, R Koschke, D Simon
Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 197-199, 2000
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Articles 1–20