Giselinde Kuipers
Giselinde Kuipers
Professor of Sociology, KU Leuven
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Good humor, bad taste: A sociology of the joke
G Kuipers
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2015
The sociology of humor
G Kuipers
na, 2008
Cultural globalization and arts journalism: The international orientation of arts and culture coverage in Dutch, French, German, and US newspapers, 1955 to 2005
S Janssen, G Kuipers, M Verboord
American sociological review 73 (5), 719-740, 2008
The politics of humour in the public sphere: Cartoons, power and modernity in the first transnational humour scandal
G Kuipers
European Journal of Cultural Studies 14 (1), 63-80, 2011
Where was King Kong when we needed him?
G Kuipers
Public discourse, digital disaster jokes, and the functions of laughter …, 2011
The divisive power of humour: Comedy, taste and symbolic boundaries
S Friedman, G Kuipers
Cultural sociology 7 (2), 179-195, 2013
Cultural globalization as the emergence of a transnational cultural field: Transnational television and national media landscapes in four European countries
G Kuipers
American Behavioral Scientist 55 (5), 541-557, 2011
Media culture and Internet disaster jokes: Bin Laden and the attack on the World Trade Center
G Kuipers
European Journal of Cultural Studies 5 (4), 450-470, 2002
Humor styles and symbolic boundaries
G Kuipers
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 3 (2), 219-239, 2009
Television and taste hierarchy: The case of Dutch television comedy
G Kuipers
Media, Culture & Society 28 (3), 359-378, 2006
The rise and decline of national habitus: Dutch cycling culture and the shaping of national similarity
G Kuipers
European journal of social theory 16 (1), 17-35, 2013
Coping with uncertainty, abundance and strife: Decision-making processes of Dutch acquisition editors in the global market for translations
T Franssen, G Kuipers
Poetics 41 (1), 48-74, 2013
The Muhammad cartoons and humor research: A collection of essays
C Davies, G Kuipers, P Lewis, RA Martin, E Oring, V Raskin
Walter de Gruyter 21 (1), 1-46, 2008
Comparing cultural classification
S Janssen, M Verboord, G Kuipers
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (print) 63 (51), 139-168, 2011
The social construction of digital danger: debating, defusing and inflating the moral dangers of online humor and pornography in the Netherlands and the United States
G Kuipers
New Media & Society 8 (3), 379-400, 2006
It is not old‐fashioned, it is vintage, vintage fashion and the complexities of 21st century consumption practices
A Veenstra, G Kuipers
Sociology Compass 7 (5), 355-365, 2013
The cosmopolitan tribe of television buyers: Professional ethos, personal taste and cosmopolitan capital in transnational cultural mediation
G Kuipers
European Journal of Cultural Studies 15 (5), 581-603, 2012
Beauty and distinction? The evaluation of appearance and cultural capital in five European countries
G Kuipers
Poetics 53, 38-51, 2015
How national institutions mediate the global: Screen translation, institutional interdependencies, and the production of national difference in four European countries
G Kuipers
American Sociological Review 80 (5), 985-1013, 2015
Banal cosmopolitanism and The Lord of the Rings: The limited role of national differences in global media consumption
G Kuipers, J De Kloet
Poetics 37 (2), 99-118, 2009
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Articles 1–20